

While Vastu plays a major role in the space we occupy, as each Vastu Shastra is governed by a ruling number, it becomes important to understand the connection between Vastu and Numerology.

Vastu and Numerology are interconnected. Each direction has its own importance and when combined with the ruling number and life path number, can have great results. This is based on your Date of Birth, below we shall explain how to calculate your Life Path Number and Ruling Number.

Suppose your birthday is 28th August 1975, which translates to 28/08/1975. Now we need to add all the individual numbers as such; 2+8+0+8+1+9+7+5= 40, further add the two numbers 4+0 = 4. This calculation leads to the conclusion that 4 is your Ruling Number.

Now let us relate our Ruling Number to the Eight Directions, based on the below table:

Directions Planet Ruling Number
East-North-East, EAST Surya (Sun) 1
North Budh (Mercury) 5
South-South-East, South Mangal (Mars) 9
West South West, West Shani (Saturn) 8
North-East Jupiter 3
North-North-East Ketu 7
East-South-East, South-East Shukar (Venus) 6
West-North-West, North-West Chandra (Moon) 2
South-South-West, South-West Rahu 4

Explanations on your Life Path Number:

The Life Path Number holds the most significant place in Numerology as it said to indicate one’s inherent traits. This number also indicates the challenges, the lessons and the opportunities that person will face in his life.

There are 11 possible life path numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 & 22. Out of which 11 & 22 are called master numbers; meaning the only time you would not reduce the final number is if you attain 11 or 22.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationThis life path number shows that the individual has the traits and natural strong personality of a leader. The person is ambitious, desires to be independent and think for himself. For this reason, he is creative, a thinker and a planner with the zeal to accomplish great things in his life. Challenges and obstacles stir up the determination in overcoming them. Political leaders, inventors and leaders of major projects and organizations fall in this category. The person can be very self-centered and secretly desires to promote himself and have his own way.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationThis person is spiritually minded and desires to have peace and harmony around him; therefore, he is the peacemaker in his society. Because he is tactful and diplomatic, he tries to solve problems through persuasiveness rather than by force. He is a visionary and idealistic and a thinker. He understands matters faster than those with him. In a nutshell, this person wants the best for everyone and always tries to do good to others. He is a team leader but without any self-glorification not desiring any recognition or praise. On the negative side, he is of a nervous trait.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationSuch a person has communication and creativity traits which are exclusive. These main traits help this individual to achieve success just by expressing himself through an overwhelming speech. He is exceptional in writing, acting, speaking and other aspects of creativity but more so in speech. The person is enthusiastic about life and does not settle for less. He loves beauty, harmony and various pleasures; for this reason, he is a spendthrift and spends money on his many companions. He cannot endure a routine lifestyle; a dominating environment from a person may make them critical and impatient with that personality.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationThis person is intelligent in planning, building and fixing and practically applies them. He is humble and idealistic but a good organizer, one who is trustworthy, and so is a great asset to his locality. He is hard working and aims at perfection thus can achieve good success and fame. His perfectionist nature makes him rigid in his decisions and plans because he alone thinks how the job needs to be done. His own lifestyle is a much disciplined one. He is devoted to his work as well as to his family. On the negative side, he is dogmatic and repressive.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationThis life path number indicates a mindset which wants to work and progress towards making the world a better place to live in. In other words, he loves freedom, not only for himself but for those around him and the world at large. He detests a routine lifestyle and for this reason, he is found to be adventurous, versatile and way ahead of others in innovative thinking. He has good communication trait which helps in motivating others to work alongside him. People with this trait do well in positions requiring authority such as the law and government positions.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationA person with this life path number has the trait which deeply desires good will and peace for everyone. He is a humanitarian by nature. He loves his family and maintains peace and harmony with all its members; most of his activities revolve around his family members though he also finds joy and satisfaction in being useful to his friends and community. He is excellent at giving sound advice to others and provides them with his best support. He is rated as a good leader by taking up and fulfilling his responsibilities but may become dominating and bossy.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationThis life path number belongs to one who is spiritual and a deep thinker. He can evaluate with great accuracy any situation he faces because he does excellently in analyzing, observing and investigating them. He is, therefore, a perfectionist and expects others to think like him. Though he is affectionate and peace loving, he makes friends very cautiously because he hates deception and insincerity. For this reason, he is reserved; his circle of friends is small but a relationship once made generally lasts a life time though he may even be a loner. He can be secretive and selfish.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationA person with this life path number is very ambitious and focused on his goals. He makes a good organizer and a leader. In other words, he has the trait fit for an executive. He can manage himself and others around him very efficiently because he can judge people's character and abilities and can use them to his advantage. He is good at reconciling and so can be a favorite leader. He works hard and apprciates recognition for his work and various achievements. His main focus is money, and these people do well in commerce, businesses and politics.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationThe individual with this life path number is very compassionate and generous and so is a humanitarian. Therefore, he is not prejudiced and is trusted by others. He tends to take up responsibility for all mankind. He is not overbearing; instead is kind and friendly. Many find themselves drawn towards him because of this loving personality. He is selfless and does not have any attraction towards money and uses it for the good of others. These characteristics enable him to be easily chosen as a leader. He may express himself through music, writings, paintings or other creative ways.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationLife Path Number 11 is called the master life path number. It cannot be reduced to 2 (1+1=2). Anyone possessing this master number has specific achievements in his life time along with specific challenges which he is likely to face in his life. It indicates that the person has a double portion of leadership traits like confidence, creativity and security which, interestingly, can reverse by all the qualities being blocked causing frustration and insecurity. In general, though, they make powerful and outstanding leaders who work towards the betterment of the world. On the negative side, they can become dominating and obsessive.

  • Life Path Number

    ExplanationLife Path Number 22 is also a master life path number and cannot be reduced to 4 (2+2=4). The person with number 22 can be a renowned figure in the world or he can be an ordinary person lost in the depths of illusions in life because his traits bring him face to face to either extreme of the possibilities in life. Therefore, he should set goals and work towards them. He has common sense which is uncommon amidst his peers. He can judge a possibility with its practicality. These people do well in politics and business even at global level.

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